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  • vishwaradhyacancerhospital2019@gmail.com
Webinar- Oral cancer

Webinar Theme


Oral Cancer Webinar flyer

To raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco use, which is the leading cause of oral cancer. Tobacco comes in various forms and each has a different impact on the human body. Let us discuss the different forms of tobacco and their harmful effects. The mechanism of how tobacco brings changes in the oral tissues will be discussed along with oral cancer management.

1 hour panel presentation on ORAL CANCER AND TOBACCO
September 18th, 2022 at 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, IST
Webinar available on zoom, link will be shared once registration completes
You need to register in order to attend this webinar at no cost.
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Key Takeaways

Effect of tobacco

Harmful effects of tobacco

Tobacco Cessation

Importance of tobacco cessation

Cancer Treatment

Oral cancer treatment modalities

Therapies of oral cancer

Adjuvant therapies for oral cancer


Reconstruction options

Panel Speakers

Dr. Jagadish tubachi

Dr. Jagadish Tubachi

M.S (ENT & HNS), FHNS, Head Neck & Skull Base Onco Surgeon
Medical Director

Dr. Tejas

Dr. Tejesh Yelamali

Head Neck & Skull Base Onco Surgeon

Dr. Vigneshwar

Dr. Vigneshwar S

Head Neck & Skull Base Onco Surgeon

Dr. prajwal

Dr. Prajwal K

Head Neck & Skull Base Onco Surgeon

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