
Let's be Together

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  • 9844458881
  • vishwaradhyacancerhospital2019@gmail.com

Message From Chairman

It gives me immense pleasure to roll out our first newsletter issue. I thank the editorial team for doing such a fantastic job. I would like to thank the medical fraternity community for making VISHWARADHYA CANCER HOSPITAL & RESEARCH INSTITUTE a grand success by referring patients. We focus on comprehensive cancer management and this fact is emphasised in the article.

Shri. S.S Mallikarjun

Bapuji Cancer Hospital Trust

# Editorial Team Designing Support
1 Dr. Shirish Patil VSBots, Digital Marketing & Website Development Agency
3 Dr. Prajwal K

# Editions All editions are available for view or downlaod
1 Vol III. Issue 19 Jan 2023 View
2 Vol II. Issue 15 Nov 2022 View
3 Vol I. Issue 1 Nov 2022 View

We need your feedback because it values us lot and helps us to improve and impact better and more, thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.